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Christmas in Zambia
The Mapalo Project

If you are led to help provide a better Christmas to some great kids at Chonde Baptist Orphanage and School, you can click on the donate button above.  If you don't like on line transactions, email me a or message me or text me at 817-965-6518.  These kids want what every kid wants for Christmas.  They want to know that someone cares about them.  100% of your tax-deductible donation will go straight to the purchase of basic essentials like food, water and toiletries.  

Merry Christmas, David Carrouth MD

Who We Are and How We Help

It Starts With the Willingness to Take a Step of Faith

Having served in the US military as a physician, and traveling to over 30 countries, I have developed an appreciation for the unique position God has placed many in the USA.   He has blessed us, not to hold tight to these gifts, but to share with those less fortunate.  I believe it is our duty as Christians to give of ourselves without reservation to help others in need.  The Mapalo Project is medical professionals and lay volunteers working to accomplish God's will through medical missions.

 David Carrouth MD President of The Mapalo Project.


Sharing God's Blessings

The Mapalo Project is a charitable organization devoted to making the world a better place by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and providing medical assistance to those in need.


Matthew 4:23

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.


Medical Missions

Mission field:
Zambia, Africa

Zambia is a wonderful country in Africa, who's people are warm and welcoming. Kitwe is the second largest city in the nation in the heart of The Copper Belt. Working with local pastors, medical missionaries, and The Chonde clinic and orphanage, God has opened a door to share the good news of Jesus Christ and also minister in a medical capacity. Plans are being made for a return trip as soon as the pandemic allows.


Ministering Medically

Giving of yourself to improve another's life.

If you honestly look around your surroundings, it's easy to see the United States is wealthy compared to many areas of the world.  

It's important to appreciate how God has blessed us.  Thus, we have a responsibilty to try to improve the quality of life of others.  Specifically for The Mapalo Project, to provide medical care, supplies and education.


Ministering Spiritually

The Great Commission

Matthew 28: 19

Jesus says, 


"19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Opportunity to Pray and Give

We can all be missionaries.

God has given each one of us special skills, talents and gifts.  It would be wrong not to use those things to accomplish  His will.   Got has not called everyone to travel to the ends of the Earth as missionaries.   You can be a part of the blessing by supporting those he has chosen, first of all by prayer.  An endeavor not grounded in God, and bathed in prayer is doomed to fail.  Please join us and pray for The Mapalo Project to accomplish His Will.   Secondly, you can support those going on the mission field financially.

Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya

Contact Us

Get in touch with The Mapalo Project to discover more about our work and how to donate. We thank you for your support.


​The Mapalo Project is recognized by the US IRS as a non-profit charity under Section 501 (c) of the tax code.

 877 Pittman Road
Hot Springs, Arkansas
USA   Text:817-965-6518

If you wish to give by check, mail to The Mapalo Project at the above address.

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